Art Appreciation, "The Museum Experience" MOD2

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Yale Art Gallery is considered one of the top university museums for American painting collections. The gallery also boasts thousands of artifacts from the near East, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The gallery was started to house some of John Trumbell paintings. This building was later renovated and finally moved to the location it now occupies on Chapel Street. The Yale Art Gallery could not have achieved its world famous collection if it were not for some very generous donors and school alumni. Theresa Heinz donated hundreds of landscape genre paintings from her late husbands estate in 1992. Francis Garvin donated the Whitney Collection of Sporting Art in 1897. Stephen Carlton Clark (1903) has donated some of the most recognized and reknowned artwork in the gallery. In 1930, excavations in Syria and Jordan unearthed 7500 artifacts that found rest in the Yale Art Gallery.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Good Ulysses... wondering why your posts are broken up as they are instead your paper being published as one long post as in Ron's blog...

I'm impressed with your photography and your keen eye. The observations you made about the art you covered were on the mark.
